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This image really outlines my project. It looks at Wellington’s urban infrastructure just like Xing Danwen’s urban fiction. What i have taken influence and evolved from Xing;s work is first of all creating a digital context, a digital realm of Wellington. The reason for this was to explore the depths of digitization and how it feels to be in a certain space that is unknown.

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The second image also outlines the urban structure but focuses on a perticular building. This building is part of my 4th year thesis in which it deals with the design of the future. So basically digitally, looking at how a building may appear in the future in the context of Wellington city.

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Again this image is setting up how the building differentiates to the surrounds buildings. At this rate the future of design is rapidly changing so what it now may be different in 20 years. What i am proposing is how this building may look in the future and how people react to this different type of building.

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This image represents how reality or the 21st century is reacting towards the future. How does it feel to be in a particular space that has one type of light source, what it feels like to be ‘grey’. The fact that the human is out of his world makes the image even more unique as he does not understand what is going on and what this strange obejct might be.

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This image is looking at how the model or building is connected with the urban but also in relationship with reality. The difference in colour and shade really show how different the digital world can be and again how our lack of ‘being with the times’ fails to understand the life of the digital realm.

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This image is relying on how the human is interacting with this alien like structure and observing it, still from a distance. You can see how i have adapted Xing’s way of representing models but digitizing the model and photographing the human. The story behind each image is to represent the failure to understand how digital technology is rapidly moving forward almost to fast to comprehend the current technological devices.